Featured in Pointe Magazine

Pointeworks Spotlights Women in Ballet, Onstage and Off

Featured in the San diego union tribune

“By creating a summer season, I can provide work and opportunities to local dancers during the off-season, as well as bring a higher caliber to the local dance scene,” Sophie Williams (Source San Diego Union Tribune)

Featured in the SHOUTOUT SOCAL

Meet Sophie Williams | Artistic Director & Ballerina

“By launching Pointeworks, I aimed to bring that energy to San Diego, particularly during the summer season when there’s typically less happening in the ballet community. It was about filling a void but also elevating the conversation around ballet and creating a platform for new artistic expression.”

Read the full article - Pointeworks in SOCAL LOCAL STORIES

“A type of magiC: PointeWorks ballet company looks to make La Jolla its summer home”

Featured in the La Jolla Light

Featured in Dance Data Project

“I am passionate about giving a voice to females. At the heart of Pointeworks, our vision is female-driven, our works will be by female choreographers, and our mission is to create a platform to elevate, highlight, and appreciate the underrepresented voices of female artists in dance.”

- Sophie Williams, Artistic Director

“It’s a gift to have the chance to create something on someone else’s body, soul and artistic ability,”

— Reka Gyulai on her new work Off Beat, featured in the San Diego Union Tribune

San Diego Voyager

“Forging my own path and finding creative expression outside a structured ballet company has been the most experimental lesson learned.”

Read the Full Interview in the San Diego Voyager

Dance Data Project

“These works bring the full range of ballet to the stage under the guidance of diverse female visions”

Read the Pointe by Point in Dance Data Project’s March 2024 Newsletter.

Paige Nyman - Board Member of Pointeworks

“It is important to me to be a part of this female led project because I trust in the quality and vision of the woman leading us. Sophie loves the world of ballet, and her female perspective creates a lens that is underrepresented, but nonetheless full of passion and purpose, worthy of being presented. Knowing that is the standard she sets, I know the other women brought into this project will match that energy and will create an environment unlike one I have ever experienced. Additionally, representation is imperative and supporting a goal that will create tangible change from the beginning is incredibly rewarding.”

Nicole Von Enck - Choreographer for Pointeworks

“I am so excited about my upcoming piece for Pointeworks because it gives my dancers and audiences a chance to explore and reflect on simplicity and familiar beauty. My aim is to evoke a feeling of “déjà vu“ in their remembrance of past ballets as they experience the revel of live music in a completely new work. Historically men have choreographed this type of movement and I relish the idea of adding my female voice to the chorus.”